
Logz.io’s trace exporter for Jaeger allows you to ship distributed traces to Logz.io from different APM (Application Performance Management/Monitoring) agents, including Zipkin.

This topic explains how to install the Logz.io Jaeger Collector.

For an overview of the process to send traces to Logz.io, see Getting started with Logz.io Distributed Tracing.

We recommend that you use the OpenTelemetry collector to gather trace transaction data from your system. See Ship traces with OpenTelemetry for the procedure to configure and deploy the OpenTelemetry collector. You may consider using the Jaeger Collector as a secondary option, if you experience issues with the OpenTelemetry Collector.

Deploy Jaeger Collector with Logz.io Exporter

The Logz.io integration builds on the Jaeger Collector base image and uses the gRPC plugin framework to enable communication between the Collector and Logz.io.

Create a Docker network

Run the following command to create a Docker network:

docker network create net-logzio

To enable communication between the collector and the agent, include the name of the network you create in this step (for example, net-logzio) in the config file for each component.

Configure the Logz.io extension

Configure the Logz.io extension with shell variables or environment variables.

The required ports are described here. You’ll need to change to the version page for your deployment.

docker run -e ACCOUNT_TOKEN=<<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>  # see parameter list below\
 --network=net-logzio \  ## This is the name of the network you created in step 1 above.
 --name=logzio-collector \ ## In the collector configuration, the --name attribute specifies the <<collector name>> used to run the collector. In this example, the <<collector-name>> is "logzio-collector". 
 -p 14268:14268 \
 -p 9411:9411 \
 -p 14267:14267 \
 -p 14269:14269 \
 -p 14250:14250 \

The complete list of Logz.io collector parameters is presented below. In addition to these parameters, you can also use Jaeger’s collector parameters. You’ll need to change to the version page for your deployment.

Parameter Description Required/Default
ACCOUNT_TOKEN The Logz.io token for the Distributed Tracing account you want to send your data to: <<TRACING-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> . Required when you use the collector to ship traces to Logz.io. How do I look up my Distributed Tracing account token? Required
REGION Your two-letter Logz.io account region code. You can find your region code in the Available regions table. Required
GRPC_STORAGE_PLUGIN_LOG_LEVEL The lowest log level to send. From lowest to highest, log levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error. Controls logging only for the Jaeger Logz.io Collector. Does not affect Jaeger components. DEFAULT: warn
COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT If you’re using a Zipkin implementation to create traces, set this optional environment variable to the HTTP port for the Zipkin collector service.