This dashboard provides an interface to view and analyze metrics from your Jenkins services.

Metric visualization Metric name Description
Jenkins Health jenkins_health_check_score_gauge The ratio of health checks reporting success to the total number of health checks.
Total Jenkins Nodes jenkins_node_count_value_gauge The number of build nodes available to Jenkins, both on-line and off-line.
Online Nodes jenkins_node_online_value_gauge The number of build nodes available to Jenkins and currently on-line.
Offline Nodes jenkins_node_offline_value_gauge The number of build nodes available to Jenkins but currently off-line.
Enabled Projects jenkins_project_enabled_count_value_gauge Enabled projects count
Active Plugins jenkins_plugins_active_gauge The number of plugins in the Jenkins instance that started successfully.
Queue Size jenkins_queue_size_value_gauge The number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue.
Queue Items Status Jenkins_queue_buildable_value_gauge, jenkins_queue_blocked_value_gauge, jenkins_queue_pending_value_gauge, jenkins_queue_stuck_value_gauge The number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state, the number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state, the number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state, the number of jobs that are in the Jenkins build queue and currently in the blocked state.
Recently Executed Jobs jenkins_runs_total_total_counter Total count of executed jobs.
Recent Jobs Status jenkins_runs_aborted_total_counter, jenkins_runs_failure_total_counter, jenkins_runs_not_built_total_counter, jenkins_runs_success_total_counter, jenkins_runs_unstable_total_counter Total counts of aborted, failed, not built, successful and unstable jobs.
Highest Job Durations default_jenkins_builds_last_build_duration_milliseconds_gauge Duration of the last builds in milliseconds.
Total Designated Executors jenkins_executor_count_value_gauge The number of executors available to Jenkins. This corresponds to the sum of all the executors of all the on-line nodes.
Free Executors jenkins_executor_free_value_gauge The number of executors available to Jenkins that are not currently in use.
In-Use Executors jenkins_executor_in_use_value_gauge The number of executors available to Jenkins that are currently in use.
Executors Usage Jenkins_executor_in_use_value_gauge, jenkins_executor_count_value_gauge The number of executors available to Jenkins that are currently in use versus the number of executors available to Jenkins.
JVM Uptime vm_uptime_milliseconds_gauge The number of milliseconds since the Jenkins JVM started.
Current Threads Count jvm_threads_current_gauge Current threads count.
Heap Memory Used jvm_memory_bytes_used_gauge Heap memory used in bytes.
Heap Memory Usage Jvm_memory_heap_usage_gauge (heap) Heap memory usage.
Non Heap Memory Used Jvm_memory_bytes_used_gauge (non-heap) Non heap memory usage.
Garbage Collection Duration jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum Garbage collection duration.
Garbage Collections jvm_gc_collection_seconds_count Garbage collections.
Current Thread Count jvm_threads_current_gauge Threads current.
Thread State Distribution jvm_threads_state_gauge Threads state.