Use Cloud SIEM Event Management to monitor the events triggered by Cloud SIEM security rules.

With a single source of truth, you have visibility into the triggered security events in your environment, to track triggered event rules, set the event status, assign an event handler, and use comments to add information, and prioritize how those issues are handled.

The events are displayed in a table: You can sort the events table by severity, status, handler, last triggering date, and the last time the event was updated or edited. You can also filter and search the events in the table, to further refine your results.

Topics on this page:

The Event Management table

Event management

The information that is provided for each event triggered by a Cloud SIEM rule is summarized in the table below. The retention for the Event Management table is two weeks, and the number of events you can view is bound by the number of triggered rules.

Event Description
Event details This information includes the title, description, and Event ID of the triggered Cloud SIEM rule
Severity The triggering conditions defined in the Cloud SIEM rule for a configured event threshold and time period. The event is labeled with the severity set for the rule: Severe > High > Medium > Low > Info
Count The number of grouped events included in the entry
Status Investigation stage of the triggered event:
- New: A triggered event that has not been assigned
- Assigned: Investigation pending
- In Progress: The assigned handler is investigating the event
- Waiting for response: Investigation on hold pending reply from external stakeholders
- False positive: Investigation verified that the detected activity is benign
- Resolved: Investigation complete
Assigned to Team member handling event investigation and resolution
Last triggered Date and time the rule was last triggered
Comment Additional information added by investigators: Use this field to include handling priority information and any information relevant to the investigation
Updated Date of latest changes made to the event and which user made the changes

Event filtering

Filter events by any combination of the available filters.

If you’re using filters and no events are displayed, try adjusting your filter choices to find what you’re looking for.

Filter panel

Filter Description Filter options
Assigned to Team member handling event investigation and resolution.

You can select all users or pick an investigator from the list.
Default = All Users
All Users, Myself, or pick from the list
Severity The triggering conditions defined in the Cloud SIEM rule for a configured event threshold and time period.
Default = All
All, Severe, High, Medium, Low, Info
Status Investigation stage of the triggered event.
Default = All
All, New, Assigned, In Progress, Waiting for response, False positive, Resolved

Clear filters

You can always change the filters you’ve set. To reset all the filters to the defaults, click Clear filters.

Searching for events

You can run a free text Search on the information in the Event details field - This includes any of the information in the event title, ID, or Description.

If you’re running a search and no events are displayed, try adjusting your search terms to find what you’re looking for.

Editing an event

You can update the following event fields:

  • The investigation Status of the event.
  • The investigator the event is Assigned to. Once an event is assigned to a team member, the assignment can’t be reset to Unassigned.
  • Add text to the Comment field, to provide information about the event investigation, the handling process, or task priorities.

After an investigator edits an event, the date and user are automatically displayed in the Updated field for the event.

Editing an event rule

To fine tune event management, go back to a source rule and edit it!

Edit the event rule

Investigating an event

This option opens the OpenSearch Dashboards interface, where you can view the related logs for the triggered event, according to the time frame you selected to display your events.

Viewing the event history

View the rule information for the triggered event, including the:

  • Event title
  • Event ID
  • Event description
  • Time the event was triggered and subsequent actions

Event History