You can set a custom landing page to view when logging into your account.

Any screen, saved search, dashboard, or visualization from your Logs, Metrics, or Traces accounts can be used as a landing page, and it’s set per user, so you can choose your own landing page that’ll be available only to you, without overriding or editing your team members’ landing page.

Set up your landing page

Your default landing page is the OpenSearch Dashboards main screen.

To change it, navigate to Settings > General Settings.

Open the drop down list to view all of the available options you can choose from. You can either scroll through the various options or type to search a specific page or dashboard.

Search for landing page

Once you choose a new landing page, a popup will appear asking you to approve the change. Clicking on Set landing page will confirm the change.

Popup confirmation

That’s it! Your new landing page will appear whenever you log into, or when you click on the icon at the top left corner of the screen.

Icon dictionary

Each item on the list includes:

  • An icon representing where the item is located. It can be a page inside Logs, Metrics, or Tracing.
  • The name of the page or item.
  • A short description providing more information about the page or item.
Icon Location
logs Logs
metrics Metrics
tracing Tracing

For example, Payment SLO has the Metrics logo, stating it’s part of your Metrics environment.

Landing page info

Reset your landing page

To reset your chosen Landing page, navigate to Settings > General Settings and click on the Reset to default option next to the landing page.

The landing page default setting is’s OpenSearch Dashboards.

Reset landing page