Logz.io Metrics solution is powered by Prometheus. This topic will help you get started with PromQL on Logz.io, and presents some examples and use cases for your environment.

PromQL does not support the * wildcard that Lucene queries use. Instead, use "~" before the value you want to search, and ".+" at the end of it.

Let’s query

  • To search all of the time series data points in your dashboard, run the following query:
    count({__name__=~".+"}) by (__name__)

  • To search for a specific time series point, add the relevant value to the query:
    For example, to get all of the time series data points that starts with the value container, use the following query:

PromQL return container values

  • Searching a label inside a time series changes the query. You need to add the name of the time series, and the value you’re looking for:

    For example, if the time series you’re querying has the following labels:

    • namespace
    • container
    • pod
    • user

    To search for a namespace label that starts with kub, run the following query:

PromQL search labels and values

Metrics browser

  • If you’re not sure what metrics your dashboard contains, which labels it includes, or the values you can search for, click Metrics browser to view all of the data, and build the query that fits your needs.

PromQL cheatsheet

Additional resources

Read more about Prometheus, PromQL, and how you can use it in Logz.io: