Archiving provides a cost-effective solution for long-term storage of logs that don’t need to be instantly searchable. You can configure to archive logs to an AWS S3 bucket or a Microsoft Azure Storage account.

When you need to investigate old logs after they have expired from your account, you can restore them to a temporary account with no additional storage costs.

To get to the Archive and restore page, select Data Hub > Archive and restore.

Navigate to Archive and Restore


Archive and restore

Archive configuration
You can configure to archive your logs to either an AWS S3 bucket or a Microsoft Azure Storage container. Learn more
Restore data
Re-ingest up to 24 hours of archived logs. Restoring data might require additional permissions. Learn more.
Restored accounts
Data is restored to a temporary account. The list of Restored accounts includes information about who made the request and its status. Learn more

Known limitations

Each account (or sub-account) should archive to a separate S3 bucket.

The maximum amount of data that can be restored is equal to your account’s daily reserved volume and is capped at 100 GB for all accounts (including accounts with a daily reserved volume greater than 100 GB).

If the restore process exceeds this maximum, the process fails.