You can configure the notification endpoint to create a JIRA ticket in your preferred board, every time there is a new alert.


  • Make sure that you have permissions to create a task in the required JIRA board.

  • Create an API token for your Atlassian account.

  • Convert the API token using the following command:

    echo -n <YOUR-EMAIL>:<YOUR-ATLASSIAN-API-TOKEN> | base64

    Replace <YOUR-EMAIL> with the email for your attlassian account and <YOUR-ATLASSIAN-API-TOKEN> with the API token for your Atlassian account.

Add a JIRA notification endpoint

To add a pre-configured notification endpoint:

  1. Sign in to as an administrator user.

  2. Go to Settings > Notification endpoints.


  3. Select + Add endpoint.


  4. Select Custom from the Type menu.


    • Add a name for this endpoint.

    • If required, add a description for the endpoint.

    • Provide the URL to your JIRA board as follows: https://<tenantname> Replace <tenantname> with the name of your JIRA domain stated before .atlassian.

    • Select POST from the Method menu.

    • Enter the following header into the Headers field: authorization: Basic <API-TOKEN>. Replace <API-TOKEN> with the API token to your Atlassian account.

    • Add the following code as the payload:

        "fields": {
            "project": {
                "key": <project board key>
            "summary": "",
            "issuetype": {
                "name": <board specific issue type>
            "description": {
                "type": "doc",
                "version": 1,
                "content": [
                        "type": "paragraph",
                        "content": [
                                "type": "text",
                                "text": ""

    Replace <project board key> with the key of your JIRA project board. Replace <board specific issue type> with the issue type specific to your project board.

  5. Select Add endpoint.