You can compact and discard some of your metrics as it ages to focus on the data that matters. Rollups let you aggregate many time series by excluding labels, optimizing your costs and performance.

On this page

Create a Rollup

To create a Metric Rollup, navigate to Data Hub > Rollups and click on the Add a Rollup rule button.

Choose the Metrics account you’d like to use. Next, select the metric. The dropdown menu includes all of the metrics inside the chosen account.

Then you’ll need to select the labels inside the metrics you’d like to ignore. The dropdown will auto-generate the available labels inside the chosen metric.

Finally, choose the type of metric. Choosing Gauge requires an additional step of selecting the aggregation function.

Once your Rollup is ready, click on Create Rollup.

Rollup table

View and manage your Rollups

Once you’ve created one or more Rollups, they’ll appear in a table view.

The table includes the following details:

  • Metric name - The name of the metric chosen for this Rollup.
  • Account name - The account to which this metric is related.
  • Excluded labels - The labels to which you’ve decided to apply the Rollup.
  • Metric type - An indication of the chosen metric’s type.
  • Rollup function - This column indicates the selected function for gauge metric types.

Rollup table