This dashboard provides an interface to view and analyze metrics from your Amazon NAT.

Metric visualization Metric name Description
Active Connections aws_natgateway_active_connection_count_sum The total number of concurrent active TCP connections through the NAT gateway.
Unsuccessful Connection Attempts aws_natgateway_connection_established_count_sum, aws_natgateway_connection_attempt_count_sum The number of connection attempts made through the NAT gateway and the number of connections established through the NAT gateway.
Attempted Connections aws_natgateway_connection_attempt_count_sum The number of connection attempts made through the NAT gateway.
Error Port Allocation aws_natgateway_error_port_allocation_sum The number of times the NAT gateway could not allocate a source port.
Established Connections aws_natgateway_connection_established_count_sum The number of connections established through the NAT gateway.
Attempted Connection VS Established Connection aws_natgateway_connection_attempt_count_sum, aws_natgateway_connection_established_count_sum The number of connection attempts made through the NAT gateway versus the number of connections established through the NAT gateway.
Data Traffic Stream- Bytes    
Bytes Out To Destination aws_natgateway_bytes_out_to_destination_sum The number of bytes sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination.
Bytes in From Source aws_natgateway_bytes_in_from_source_sum The number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC.
Bytes Out To Source aws_natgateway_bytes_in_from_destination_sum The number of bytes sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC.
Bytes in From Destination aws_natgateway_bytes_in_from_destination_sum The number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from the destination.
Bytes in From Dest VS Bytes Out To Source aws_natgateway_bytes_in_from_destination_sum, aws_natgateway_bytes_out_to_source_sum The number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from the destination versus the number of bytes sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC.
Bytes in From Source VS Bytes Out To Dest aws_natgateway_bytes_in_from_source_sum, aws_natgateway_bytes_out_to_destination_sum The number of bytes received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC versus the number of bytes sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination.
Data Traffic Stream- Packets    
Packets Out To Destination aws_natgateway_packets_out_to_destination_sum The number of packets sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination.
Packets Out To Source aws_natgateway_packets_out_to_source_sum The number of packets sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC.
Packets In From Destination aws_natgateway_packets_in_from_destination_sum The number of packets received by the NAT gateway from the destination.
Packets in From Dest VS Packets Out To Source aws_natgateway_packets_in_from_destination_sum, aws_natgateway_packets_out_to_source_sum The number of packets received by the NAT gateway from the destination versus the number of packets sent through the NAT gateway to the clients in your VPC.
Packets Drop Count aws_natgateway_packets_drop_count_sum The number of packets dropped by the NAT gateway.
Packets In From Source aws_natgateway_packets_in_from_source_sum The number of packets received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC.
Packets in From Source VS Packets Out To Dest aws_natgateway_packets_in_from_source_sum, aws_natgateway_packets_out_to_destination_sum The number of packets received by the NAT gateway from clients in your VPC versus the number of packets sent out through the NAT gateway to the destination.