This dashboard provides an interface to view and analyze metrics from your Amazon Kinesis.

Metric visualization Metric name Description
Avg Incoming Bytes aws_kinesis_incoming_bytes_sum The number of bytes ingested successfully into the delivery stream over the specified time period after throttling.
Avg Put Latency aws_kinesis_put_record_latency_average The time taken per PutRecord operation, measured over the specified time period.
Avg Get Latency aws_kinesis_get_records_latency_average The time taken per GetRecord operation, measured over the specified time period.
Avg Iterator Age aws_kinesis_get_records_iterator_age_milliseconds_average Difference between the age of the last record consumed and the latest record put to the stream.
Put Requests    
Incoming Records aws_kinesis_incoming_records_sum The number of records ingested successfully into the delivery stream over the specified time period after throttling.
Incoming Bytes aws_kinesis_incoming_bytes_sum The number of bytes ingested successfully into the delivery stream over the specified time period after throttling.
Throttled PutRecords/PutRecord Requests aws_kinesis_write_provisioned_throughput_exceeded_average The number of records rejected due to throttling for the stream over the specified time period.
Get Requests    
Outgoing Records aws_kinesis_get_records_records_sum The number of records retrieved from the shard, measured over the specified time period.
Outgoing Bytes aws_kinesis_get_records_bytes_sum The number of bytes retrieved from the Kinesis stream, measured over the specified time period.
Throttled GetRecords Requests aws_kinesis_read_provisioned_throughput_exceeded_average The number of GetRecords calls throttled for the stream over the specified time period.
Average Get Latency aws_kinesis_get_records_latency_average The time taken per GetRecords operation, measured over the specified time period.
Average Put Latency aws_kinesis_put_record_latency_average, aws_kinesis_put_records_latency_average The time taken per PutRecord operation, measured over the specified time period.