You can import your existing dashboards to via a bulk process (using a Python script) or via a manual process.

Importing multiple dashboards via script

To enable easy migration, we created a Python script to bulk upload your Grafana dashboards to our platform.

  • Bulk import is supported for Grafana version 6 and above.
  • Dashboards that include annotations, notification endpoints, and other external resources are imported without these resources during bulk import.
  • Custom selection of dashboards is not possible with bulk import. All of your dashboard folders are imported to a single folder within
  • Grafana dashboards with schema version 14 or lower that include “row” objects are not added: You will receive a warning in the logs. We recommend that you update your dashboards to the latest version.
  • Thep8s_logzio_name variable is not added to panel queries that don’t include filtering: You will receive a warning in the logs.
  • Some panel types are not supported by the platform. If your dashboard includes an unsupported panel type, you will receive a warning in the logs. You may experience some issues when the panel renders in

Bulk dashboard import procedure

From your Terminal, perform the following steps:

Clone the repository.

Use the following command to clone the repo:

git clone
Switch directory.

Use the following command to switch to the repo directory:

cd grafana-dashboard-migration-tool
Install poetry and dependencies
pip install poetry
poetry install
Run the script and configure environment variables.

Run the script:

poetry run python

Configure or export the enviroment variables as follows:

Enviroment variable Description
GRAFANA_HOST Your Grafana host without protocol specification (for example, localhost:3000)
GRAFANA_TOKEN Your Grafana editor/admin API key: Find or create one under Configuration > API keys
LOGZIO_API_TOKEN Your account API token: You can find the API token under Settings > Manage tokens > API tokens.
REGION_CODE Your region code: You can look up your region code here
For example, if your region is US, then your region code is us
GRAFANA_PROTO Protocol to access your grafana instance. Defaults to https.
View dashboards

In your metrics account, check your Uploaded by script folder to see all dashboards.

For the dashboard import to work smoothly, you’ll need to change the name of the data source in your JSON file to the name of your Metrics account. Your Metrics account information is located in the Manage Accounts ( > Settings > Manage accounts) page of your Operations workspace. Account settings navigation

For the record, notification endpoints and dashboard annotations are not imported: You’ll need to recreate them in See Notification endpoints and Annotations for more information.

Importing individual dashboards

To import individual dashboards:

Log into and navigate to the Metrics tab.

Select the Import option.

In the left navigation pane, click and select Import. Import dashboards to

  • To import your existing Prometheus dashboards, first export the relevant dashboards as JSON files, then click Upload JSON file and select the files to upload.

    For related information see Upload JSON logs.


This tool allows you to migrate Grafana dashboards based on InfluxDB source to Prometheus source (e.g., Prometheus, M3DB, Cortex).

The tool functions in two ways:

  1. Translate the query language from InfluxQL to PromQL.
  2. Search and replace metrics names.

Convert Grafana Dashboards from InfluxQL to PromQL

Before you begin, you’ll need:

  • InfluxQL metrics
  • account
Clone the converter repository
Git clone
Install the tool requirements

Navigate to the project folder and install the requirements by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the requirements

Open the config.yaml, and edit the configuration as in the example below. For further examples, refer to the GitHub repository of this project.

log_level: # optional default is INFO
datasource: # optional - will be used as the new datasource
importer:      # required - at least 1. 
  grafana:  # grafana api url i.e: https://<<username>> for grafana cloud url
    path:  # relative or full path
    - name: # metric to be replaced
      value: # new metric name
    metrics_auth: # Currently only prometheus is supported
        key: X-API-TOKEN
      strategies: [ 'statistic_combination' , 'permutation' ] # optional
      min_match_percent:  # min percent for result match 1-100
      min_filter_percent:  # threshold for combination matching 1-100 
    path: # relative or full path

Configure the parmeters as per the table below and save the changes.

Parameter Description
log_level Optional. Log level to be used during the run of the program. Default: INFO
datasource Optional. Replaces the existing datasource in the dashboard
importer Required. At least one input element
importer.grafana Optional. Import influxql dashboards from grafana API
importer.grafana.endpoint Required. Grafana API URL
importer.grafana.token Required. Grafana API token
importer.folder Optional: Import influxql dashboards from a folder
importer.folder.path Required. Path to the folder which contains influxql dashboards. (Relative or absolute)
processor Optional. Processor modules that can transform output
processor.replace_metrics_names Optional. A processor that will replace a metric name Required. The name of the original metric to be replaced
processor.replace_metrics_names.value Required. The new metric name
processor.find_metrics_names Optional. Processor to find a match between existing and available metrics
processor.find_metrics_names.metrics_auth.metrics_db_endpoint Required. API endpoint of the metrics db. Currently only prometheus is supported.
processor.find_metrics_names.metrics_auth.metrics_basic_auth.username Optional. Metrics db username to be used when querying the db API.
processor.find_metrics_names.metrics_auth.metrics_basic_auth.password Optional. Metrics db password to be used when querying the db API.
processor.find_metrics_names.metrics_auth.metrics_oauth_header.key Optional. Metrics db oauth header key to be used when querying the db API. Must be a full header key
processor.find_metrics_names.metrics_auth.metrics_oauth_header.value Optional. Metrics db oauth header value to be used when querying the db API. Must be a full header value, including your token for shipping metrics to your account. Find it under Settings > Manage accounts. How do I look up my Metrics account token?
processor.find_metrics_names.replace_strategy.strategies Required. Strategies to be used in the processor. Available strategies: permutation,statistic_match
processor.find_metrics_names.replace_strategy.min_match_percent Required (for statistic_match strategy). The percent threshold for considering a match between two metrics.
processor.find_metrics_names.replace_strategy.min_filter_percent Required (for statistic_match strategy). The percent threshold for performing combination match between two metrics.
exporter Required. Exporter module that will export the converted dashboards.
exporter.grafana Optional. Export dashboards using grafana API.
exporter.grafana.endpoint Required. grafana API URL.
exporter.grafana.auth_header.key Required. Authentication header key.
exporter.grafana.auth_header.value Required. Authentication header value.
exporter.folder Optional. Export dashboard to a folder.
exporter.folder.path Required. Path to the folder in which the dashboards will be exported. (Relative or absolute)
Run the script
pip install -r requirements.txt && python3
Check for your dashboards

Once the conversion has been completed, log in to your Metrics account, and open the Dashboards tab.