This dashboard provides an interface to view and analyze metrics for your ActiveMQ broker and its destinations (queues and topics).

Metric visualization Metric name Description
Total producers aws_amazonmq_total_producer_count_maximum The number of message producers that are active on destinations on all current brokers.
Total consumers aws_amazonmq_total_consumer_count_maximum The number of message consumers that are subscribed to destinations on all current brokers.
Unclean shutdown aws_amazonmq_journal_files_for_fast_recovery_maximum The number of journal files that will be replayed after an unclean shutdown.
Clean shutdown aws_amazonmq_journal_files_for_fast_recovery_maximum The number of journal files that will be replayed after a clean shutdown.
CPU utilization aws_amazonmq_cpu_utilization_maximum The percentage of allocated Amazon EC2 compute units that the broker currently uses.
Consumers over time aws_amazonmq_total_consumer_count_maximum The number of message consumers subscribed to destinations on a given broker.
Percentage of heap usage out of limit aws_amazonmq_heap_usage_maximum The percentage of the ActiveMQ JVM memory limit that the broker currently uses.
Percentage of storage usage out of limit aws_amazonmq_store_percent_usage_maximum The percent used by the storage limit. If this reaches 100 the broker will refuse messages.
Network traffic aws_amazonmq_network_in_maximum, aws_amazonmq_network_out_maximum The volume of incoming and outgoing traffic for the broker.
Producers per destination aws_amazonmq_producer_count_maximum The number of message producers active on destinations on the current broker.
Subscribed consumers per destination aws_amazonmq_consumer_count_maximum The number of message consumers subscribed to destinations on the current broker.
Average destination memory usage aws_amazonmq_memory_usage_maximum The percentage of the memory limit that the destination currently uses.
Queue size aws_amazonmq_queue_size_maximum The number of messages in the queue.
Average message latency from broker to destination aws_amazonmq_enqueue_time_maximum The amount of time it takes the broker to accept a message from the producer and send it to the destination.
Messages received per destination aws_amazonmq_enqueue_count_maximum The number of messages acknowledged by consumers, per minute.
Messages sent per destination ws_amazonmq_dequeue_count_maximum The number of messages sent to the destination.
Messages sent to consumers aws_amazonmq_dispatch_count_maximum The number of messages acknowledged by consumers.
Expired messages aws_amazonmq_expired_count_maximum The number of messages that could not be delivered because they expired.