User permissions are determined by their role and the account to which they belong.

Account Admins can manage users and change user access permissions at any time.

Manage users

You can get to this page by selecting > Settings > Manage users in the top menu.

Community plans have a maximum of 50 users.

Access level per role

You can assign Read Only, User, or Admin roles. Each role has different access that helps you limit the data, visibility, and abilities shared with other users. observability platform offers several features, each with its own set of permission and access levels:

User role permissions for Log Management

Log Management lets you search and query logs, create alerts, investigate issues, identify patterns, surface errors, and more. This table contains all Log Management features and which user roles can access and use them.

Main features Read Only User Admin
View dashboards
View alerts
Create an alert  
View alerts Event Management
Live tail
Data parsing    
Field mapping    
Archive and restore    
Drop filters    
Incident reports  
Additional restrictions
  • Read Only roles can’t create, delete or update visualizations, dashboards, and save searches.
  • Read Only and User roles can’t create optimizers.
User role permissions for Metrics (Instrastructe Monitoring)

Use Infrastructure Monitoring to create and curate dashboards that monitor your system’s health and status. This table contains Metrics features, and which user roles can access and use them.

Main features Read Only User Admin
View dashboards
Manage tokens    
Additional restrictions
  • Read Only roles can only view dashboards. They can’t create or duplicate them. They can, however, edit existing user-made dashboards.
User role permissions for Tracing’s Tracing feature gives you the ability to look under the hood at how your microservices interact, and lets you access rich information to help improve performance, investigate, and troubleshoot issues. This table contains all Tracing features, and which user roles can access and use them.

Main features Read Only User Admin
View dashboards
Manage tokens    
User role permissions for Cloud SIEM

Cloud SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) aggregates security logs and alerts across distributed environments to allow your team to investigate security incidents from a single observability platform. This table contains all Cloud SIEM features, and which user roles can access and use them.

Main features Read Only User Admin
View summary
Event management
View rules
Create rules  
Threats overview
Threats intelligent field
OpenSearch Dashboards
Incident reports  
User role permissions for general account settings general settings allow users to control elements relevant to their accounts, such as passwords, tokens, system status, unified variables, and more. This table contains all general settings, and which user roles can access and use them.

Main features Read Only User Admin
Change personal password
Change dark/light theme
View token    
Manage tokens    
View region    
Toggle support access    
Refresh OpenSearch Dashboards mapping  
View system status
Notification endpoints  
ELK apps  
View Unified variables
Edit Unified variables    
Manage users    
Audit trail    
Manage accounts    
Usage and billing    

Sub account

You can add users directly to a sub account and assign them either an Admin or User role.

Users belonging to a sub account do not have access to any other accounts, unless explicitly added to them.

User management

Add or remove a user
  • To add a user, click the button +New user at the top of the page.

  • To delete a user, hover over the item and click delete to delete it. You’ll be asked to confirm the deletion.

Suspend or unsuspend a user

To suspend or unsuspend a user, hover over the user, click the Menu button , and click Suspend or Unsuspend. The user’s status is changed.

Edit role or rename a user
  • To change the user’s role (Admin/User) rename, hover over the user, click edit , make your changes, and click Save.

  • To rename a user, hover over the user, click edit , make your changes, and click Save.