This dashboard provides an interface to view and analyze metrics from your Mongo databases.
Metric visualization | Metric name | Description |
Host uptime | mongodb_uptime_ns | Number of seconds that the mongos or mongod process has been active. |
Number of nodes | mongodb_col_stats_ok | Number of nodes in the cluster. |
Queries per second | mongodb_queries_per_sec | Number of queries made per second. |
Number of collections | mongodb_col_stats_ok | Number of database collections |
Memory usage | ongodb_resident_megabytes | Amount of memory currently used by the database process. |
Replication lag | mongodb_repl_lag | Delay between a write operation on the primary and its copy to a secondary. |
Current connections | mongodb_connections_current | Number of connections to the database server from clients. |
Connections utilization | mongodb_connections_current, mongodb_connections_available | Number of connections to the database server from clients relative to the number of unused available incoming connections the database can provide. |
Average object size | mongodb_db_stats_avg_obj_size | The average size of each document in bytes. |
Storage size | mongodb_db_stats_storage_size | Total amount of space allocated to collections in this database for document storage. |
Index size | mongodb_db_stats_index_size | Total size of all indexes created on this database. |
Data size | mongodb_db_stats_data_size | Total size of the data held in this database including the padding factor. |
Number of objects | mongodb_db_stats_objects | Number of objects (documents) in the database across all collections. |
Number of extents | mongodb_db_stats_num_extents | Contains a count of the number of extents in the database across all collections. |
Number of indexes | mongodb_db_stats_indexes | Total number of indexes across all collections in the database. |
Number of collections | mongodb_db_stats_collections | Contains a count of the number of collections in that database. |
Number of connections | mongodb_connections_current, mongodb_connections_available, mongodb_connections_total_created | Number of current, available and created connections. |
Used memory | mongodb_resident_megabytes, mongodb_vsize_megabytes | Amount of memory currently used by the database process including the virtual memory size. |
Network traffic | mongodb_net_in_bytes, mongodb_net_out_bytes | The number of bytes that reflects the amount of network traffic received and sent by this database. |
Operations counters (database and replications) | mongodb_repl_deletes_per_sec, mongodb_repl_inserts_per_sec, mongodb_repl_updates_per_sec, mongodb_repl_getmores_per_sec, mongodb_repl_commands_per_sec | Number of the following operations: Delete, Insert, Update, Getmore, Command |
Operation latencies | mongodb_latency_commands, mongodb_latency_reads, mongodb_latency_writes | Latency statistics for read, write and db command requests. |
Server assertions | mongodb_assert_msg, mongodb_assert_regular, mongodb_assert_rollovers, mongodb_assert_user, mongodb_assert_warning | Number per second, of: Message assertions, Regular assertions, Times that the rollover counters roll over, User assertions raised, Warnings raised |
Bytes read/write | mongodb_wtcache_bytes_read_into, mongodb_wtcache_bytes_written_from | WiredTiger internal cache bytes read into and written from |
Pages read/write | mongodb_wtcache_pages_read_into, mongodb_wtcache_pages_written_from | WiredTiger internal cache pages read into and written from |