This dashboard provides an interface to view and analyze metrics from your Amazon Kinesis Firehose.

Metric visualization Metric name Description
Put To Kinesis Data Firehose Requests    
Incoming Records aws_firehose_incoming_records_sum The number of records ingested successfully into the delivery stream over the specified time period after throttling.
Incoming Bytes aws_firehose_incoming_bytes_sum The number of bytes ingested successfully into the delivery stream over the specified time period after throttling.
Successful PutRecord And PutRecordBatch Requests aws_firehose_incoming_put_requests_sum The number of successful PutRecord and PutRecordBatch requests over the specified period of time after throttling.
Put Latency aws_firehose_put_record_batch_latency_sum, aws_firehose_put_record_latency_sum The time taken per PutRecordBatch operation, measured over the specified time period and the time taken per PutRecord operation, measured over the specified time period.
Read From Data Stream    
Records Read aws_firehose_data_read_from_kinesis_stream_records_sum When the data source is a Kinesis data stream, this metric indicates the number of records read from that data stream.
Bytes Read aws_firehose_data_read_from_kinesis_stream_bytes_sum When the data source is a Kinesis data stream, this metric indicates the number of bytes read from that data stream.
Throttled GetRecords Requests aws_firehose_throttled_get_records_sum The total number of times the GetRecords operation is throttled when the data source is a Kinesis data stream.
Data Transformation With Lambda    
Succeed Processing Records aws_firehose_succeed_processing_records_sum The number of successfully processed records over the specified time period.
Succeed Processing Bytes aws_firehose_succeed_processing_bytes_sum The number of successfully processed bytes over the specified time period.
Processing Duration aws_firehose_execute_processing_duration_sum The time it takes for each Lambda function invocation performed by Kinesis Data Firehose.
Processing Success aws_firehose_execute_processing_success_sum The sum of the successful Lambda function invocations over the sum of the total Lambda function invocations.
Data Transformation With Lambda    
Success Rate aws_firehose_delivery_to_s3_success_sum The sum of successful Amazon S3 put commands over the sum of all Amazon S3 put commands.
Data freshness aws_firehose_delivery_to_s3_data_freshness_sum The age (from getting into Kinesis Data Firehose to now) of the oldest record in Kinesis Data Firehose.
Records Delivered aws_firehose_delivery_to_s3_records_sum The number of records delivered to Amazon S3 over the specified time period.
Bytes Delivered aws_firehose_delivery_to_s3_bytes_sum The number of bytes delivered to Amazon S3 over the specified time period.