Telemetry Collector is currently available in all regions except for Japan and Australia. If you’re located in these regions, you can use’s data shippers to send your data.

To start sending your Kubernetes data through the Telemetry Collector, you’ll need the following:

  • Admin privileges in your account
  • Outgoing traffic to destination ports 8053 and 8071 allowed

If you’re unsure whether traffic is allowed to these ports, continue the process, and will notify you if access is restricted.

Navigate to Send your data, and click on Go to the Telemetry Collector.

To configure the Telemetry Collector, you must be logged into your main account.

Start collecting button

Select your environment

Select the environment through which you’d like to ship your data. Then, if required, select the relevant sub-type.

Select platform

Activate your collector

Choose the platform on which you want to run the Telemetry Collector. You can choose between Helm, Mac, Windows, or Linux.

  • Helm users - Connect to the Kubernetes cluster from which you want to send telemetry, copy the Helm Install snippet, replace the placeholders with the relevant values, and run it in your terminal.
  • Mac users - Copy the snippet and run it in your terminal.
  • Windows users - Copy the snippet and run it in your PowerShell x64 as Administrator (Note that PowerShell x86 and PowerShell ISE are currently not supported).
  • Linux users - Copy the snippet and run it in your command line.

Some platforms might require additional details, such as admin privileges or passwords to complete the installation. These details are not sent to or stored by

Review collector

Run the Telemetry Collector

The Telemetry Collector will create all setters needed for the Helm install command to install Helm chart and deploy the chart with the relevant parameters. Once running, the Telemetry Collector will continuously collect the relevant data from your end, and you can view and manage it in

You can review the complete list of parameters and commands that runs in the background on the Logzio Monitoring GitHub repository.

It might take a while for the Telemetry Collector to get up and running, after which you can view your logs, metrics, or traces and get full observability into your system.

Optional - Select data sources

You can configure the data sources the Telemetry Collector will collect. To do so, click on Advance settings at the top of the page. Next, you can edit and change telemetries, which will collect.

Select data source

Optional - Define your collector

You can edit your collector’s name and description and choose which Logs, Metrics, and Tracing accounts to use. If you don’t have active accounts, you’ll be able to review the newly generated account names before continuing.

Click Save changes to continue.

Define collector

Manage your Telemetry Collector:

To manage a Kubernetes Telemetry Collector, you can use the following commands:

Show Helm Status: helm status -n monitoring logzio-monitoring
Get Pods: kubectl get pods -n monitoring
Show Pod’s Logs: kubectl logs <<POD_NAME>> -n monitoring
Show Pod’s Info: kubectl describe pod <<POD_NAME>> -n monitoring

Replace <<POD_NAME>> with your pod’s name.

If you’re running your Kubernetes Telemetry Collector from a Windows machine, you can use the following commands to gain access to the Helm chart and’s logs: Helm: C:\Users\<<USERNAME>>\AppData\Roaming\LogzioAgent\LogzioKubernetes\logzio_helm.txt Telemetry Collector Logs: C:\Users\<<USERNAME>>\AppData\Roaming\LogzioAgent\logzio_agent.log
Install Helm: Invoke-Expression -Command (Get-Content -Path C:\Users\<<USERNAME>>\AppData\Roaming\LogzioAgent\LogzioKubernetes\logzio_helm.txt)
Uninstall Helm: helm uninstall -n monitoring logzio-monitoring

Replace <<USERNAME>> with your Windows user name.

If you have additional questions about managing your Telemetry Collector, contact’s Support team.

Remove your Telemetry Collector:

You can uninstall your Telemetry Collector from Kubernetes by running the following snippet in the same platform you’ve used to install it:

helm uninstall -n monitoring logzio-monitoring

  • Mac - Run the snippet in your terminal.
  • Windows - Run the snippet in your PowerShell x64 as Administrator.
  • Linux - Run the snippet in your command line.

This snippet removes the collector from and stops sending your data. Of course, you can always create a new collector or use’s Send your data to ship your data.

If you have additional questions about managing your Telemetry Collector, contact’s Support team.

Additional resources