Cloud SIEM offers pre-configured monitoring dashboards for all official security integrations on this list. Keep a lookout for new dashboards and new integrations, we ship them monthly.


To see the list of available dashboards, select SIEM > Dashboards from the top menu.

You can search dashboards by name or description or sort them by their date of creation or last update. Security Dashboards

Note that dashboards provided by are labeled and locked to editing. You can duplicate them to make them your own. You can always create your own dashboards to add to’s pre-built dashboards.

Reports reports allow you to automatically send dashboards on a regular schedule over Slack and email.

To schedule your report:

  • Open a dashboard and click Create report from the top menu.

    Create a report from a Dashboard

  • Select Reports in the top menu, and click + New report.

For further information, scheduling reports.