If you’re working with Kubernetes, you can ship your traces to Logz.io using a Helm chart, via the OpenTelemetry collector.

The following guide will walk you through how to get your Tracing account token and how to configure and send your Helm chart to Logz.io.

The main repository for Logz.io helm charts are logzio-helm.

Send traces from Kubernetes

Determine which Tracing account you want to use and get your Tracing account token

Look up your Distributed Tracing ACCOUNT TOKEN.
You must have admin permissions for the Logz.io account to view the Manage tokens page. If you’re not an admin user for the account, consult with an account admin to get the Distributed Tracing token information.

  1. From the Tracing or (Settings) menu, go to Manage tokens > Data shipping tokens > Tracing

    Distributed Tracing tokens

  2. Find the Distributed Tracing account you want to ship to in the table, and copy the token.

For information about how to manage your tracing data sources, see Manage a Distributed Tracing account.

This information is also available in Logz.io Docs > Distributed Tracing shipping token.

Get your region code

If you have admin user permissions, you can clarify the 2-letter code for your region here: (Settings) > General settings > Account settings. Navigate to general settings

The list of all the region codes is available in the Logz.io Docs, in the Region code column of the Regions and Listener Hosts table. The default region is US east.

Ship your traces to Logz.io

Logz.io uses a Helm chart to send traces from your Kubernetes cluster via the OpenTelemetry collector.

Select Send your data > Kubernetes and follow the steps to deploy the chart and trace your data.

Check the Distributed Tracing tab for your traces.

Give your traces some time to get from your system to ours, then check the Distributed Tracing tab in Logz.io to see the traces in the Jaeger UI.