Easy Connect is a deployment and configuration tool designed to assist you in effectively instrumenting Kubernetes applications with OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation and configurable log types.

At the heart of Easy Connect is the logzio-easy-connect Helm chart, which functions synergistically with the logzio-monitoring Helm chart.

Easy Connect comprises three principal components:

  • Kubernetes Instrumentor - Provides auto-instrumentation and manages log type control for Kubernetes applications.
  • Easy Connect Server - Facilitates communication between the user and the Kubernetes Instrumentor.
  • Easy Connect UI - Offers an intuitive graphical interface for managing and viewing your instrumentation data.

Easy Connect supports several programming languages, including:

  • Java
  • Node.js
  • Python
  • .NET

Before you start you will need:

  • Opentelemetry collector installed on your cluster
    • works out of the box with logzio-monitoring chart installed with traces and logs enabled (version 0.5.8 or higher for log_type)
    • to send the data to a custom collector change the kubernetesInstrumentor.env.monitoringServiceEndpoint value


To install the Easy Connect Helm chart, run the following commands:

helm repo add logzio-helm https://logzio.github.io/logzio-helm
helm repo update
helm install logzio-easy-connect logzio-helm/easy-connect -n monitoring --create-namespace

Afterwards, use kubectl port-forward to access the user interface in your browser:

kubectl port-forward svc/easy-connect-ui -n monitoring 31032:31032

Go to http://localhost:31032

Using Easy Connect UI

The Easy Connect UI shows when you access the deployment at http://localhost:8080.



Edit a log type of a log

If you need to change a log type of a log collected by Easy Connect:

  1. In the row of the required log, click the Log Type dropdown.
  2. Select the required log type.
  3. Click Deploy.

Add a log type

If you need to add a log type to a log collected by Easy Connect:

  1. In the row of the required log, click the Log Type dropdown.
  2. Type in the required log type definition.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Click Add log type.

Remove a log type from a log

If you need to change a log type of a log collected by Easy Connect:

  1. In the row of the required log, click the Remove log type.



Add instrumentation to a pod

To add OpenTelemetry instrumentation to a pod:

  1. Select the required pod. The source code detected on the pod will be shown on the UI. THe instrumentation will be installed for this code.
  2. Click Add instrumentation.
  3. Click Deploy.

Remove instrumentation from a pod

To remove OpenTelemetry instrumentation from a pod:

  1. Select the required pod.
  2. Click Rollback.


The Easy Connect chart has several configurable parameters and their default values. Below is a table detailing these parameters:

Parameter Description Default
kubernetesInstrumentor.serviceAccount Service account name of the instrumentor deployment "kubernetes-instrumentor"
kubernetesInstrumentor.image.repository Repository of the instrumentor image "logzio/instrumentor"
kubernetesInstrumentor.image.tag Tag of the instrumentor image "v1.0.5"
kubernetesInstrumentor.instrumentationDetectorImage.repository Repository of the instrumentation detector image "logzio/instrumentation-detector"
kubernetesInstrumentor.instrumentationDetectorImage.tag Tag of the instrumentation detector image "v1.0.5"
kubernetesInstrumentor.javaAgentImage.repository Repository of the Java agent image "logzio/otel-agent-java"
kubernetesInstrumentor.javaAgentImage.tag Tag of the Java agent image "v1.0.5"
kubernetesInstrumentor.dotnetAgentImage.repository Repository of the .Net agent image "logzio/otel-agent-dotnet"
kubernetesInstrumentor.dotnetAgentImage.tag Tag of the .Net agent image "v1.0.5"
kubernetesInstrumentor.nodejsAgentImage.repository Repository of the Node.js agent image "logzio/otel-agent-nodejs"
kubernetesInstrumentor.nodejsAgentImage.tag Tag of the Node.js agent image "v1.0.5"
kubernetesInstrumentor.pythonAgentImage.repository Repository of the Python agent image "logzio/otel-agent-python"
kubernetesInstrumentor.pythonAgentImage.tag Tag of the Python agent image "v1.0.5"
kubernetesInstrumentor.ports.metricsPort Metrics port for the instrumentor 8080
kubernetesInstrumentor.ports.healthProbePort Health probe port for the instrumentor 8081
kubernetesInstrumentor.resources.limits.cpu CPU limit for the instrumentor "500m"
kubernetesInstrumentor.resources.limits.memory Memory limit for the instrumentor "128Mi"
kubernetesInstrumentor.resources.requests.cpu CPU request for the instrumentor "10m"
kubernetesInstrumentor.resources.requests.memory Memory request for the instrumentor "64Mi"
kubernetesInstrumentor.env.monitoringServiceEndpoint Endpoint of the monitoring service "logzio-monitoring-otel-collector.monitoring.svc.cluster.local"
kubernetesInstrumentor.service.name Name of the instrumentor service "kubernetes-instrumentor-service"
kubernetesInstrumentor.service.port Service port for the instrumentor 8080
kubernetesInstrumentor.service.targetPort Target port for the instrumentor service 8080
easyConnectServer.serviceAccount Service account name of the instrumentor deployment "easy-connect-server"
easyConnectServer.image.repository Repository of the server image "logzio/easy-connect-server"
easyConnectServer.image.tag Tag of the server image "v1.0.7"
easyConnectServer.ports.http HTTP port for the server 8080
easyConnectServer.service.name Name of the server service "easy-connect-server"
easyConnectServer.service.port Service port for the server 5050
easyConnectServer.service.targetPort Target port for the server service 5050
easyConnectUi.image.repository Repository of the UI image "logzio/easy-connect-ui"
easyConnectUi.image.tag Tag of the UI image "v1.0.0"
easyConnectUi.ports.http HTTP port for the UI 31032
easyConnectUi.service.name Name of the UI service "easy-connect-ui"
easyConnectUi.service.port Service port for the UI 31032
easyConnectUi.service.targetPort Target port for the UI service 31032
rbac.clusterRoles... Configure the RBAC cluster roles Refer to values.yaml
rbac.clusterRoleBindings... Configure the RBAC cluster role bindings Refer to values.yaml

You can override the default values by creating your own values.yaml file and passing the --values or -f option to the Helm command. For example:

helm install logzio-easy-connect logzio-helm/easy-connect -n easy-connect --create-namespace --values my_values.yaml

Here, my_values.yaml is your custom configuration file.