You can use’s Cloud-Native Observability Platform to monitor the health and performance of your Azure environment through the Azure portal.

To learn more about this solution, refer to Microsoft Azure documentation.

Enable single sign-on

You can use Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) SSO feature within the resource to directly access’s Cloud-Native Observability Platform in your portal.

To learn more about this solution, refer to documentation on SSO and Microsoft Azure documentation.

Manage the platform options

Purchases using CSP subscriptions are not supported at the moment.’s Cloud-Native Observability Platform provides a variety of different options to manage the monitoring of your Azure environment.

To learn more about this, refer to Microsoft Azure documentation.

Start your own observability journey

Start your journey with in Azure here.

You can create a account in Azure using Terraform.

Before you begin, you’ll need:

Connect to your Azure account

Login to Azure first:

az login

Then connect to your account subscription:

az account set --subscription="<<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>>"
  • Replace <<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>> with the Subscription ID where you want to create your resources.
Configure Terraform to login to your Azure subscription

Create a Terraform script with the following configuration:

# We strongly recommend using the required_providers block to set the
# Azure Provider source and version being used
terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "=2.46.0"

# Configure the Microsoft Azure Provider
provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

  subscription_id = "<<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>>"
  • Replace <<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>> with the Subscription ID where you want to create your Azure account.
Configure monitor

Add the following code block to the same Terraform script:

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "logzio_resource_group" {
  name     = "<<RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME-AZURE>>"
  location = "<<RESOURCE-GROUP-REGION>>"

resource "azurerm_logz_monitor" "logzio_account" {
  name                = "<<LOGZIO-RESOURCE-NAME>>"
  resource_group_name =
  location            = azurerm_resource_group.logzio_resource_group.location
  plan {
    billing_cycle  = "MONTHLY"
    effective_date = "<<EFFECTIVE-DATE>>"
    plan_id        = "100gb14days"
    usage_type     = "PAYG"

  user {
    email        = "<<USER-EMAIL>>"
    first_name   = "<<USER-FIRST-NAME>>"
    last_name    = "<<USER-LAST-NAME>>"
    phone_number = "<<USER-PHONE-NUMBER>>"

Define the parameters as per the table below:

Parameter Description
<<RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME-AZURE>> Name for your resource group in Azure.
<<RESOURCE-GROUP-REGION>> Azure region for your resource group.
<<LOGZIO-RESOURCE-NAME>> Name for your account and resource in your Azure resource group.
<<EFFECTIVE-DATE>> Current date in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.s+zzzzzz format.
<<USER-EMAIL>> Email address attached to the Azure account where you need to create the resource group.
<<USER-FIRST-NAME>> Account user’s first name.
<<USER-LAST-NAME>> Account user’s last name.
<<USER-PHONE-NUMBER>> Account user’s phone number.
Configure the tag rule

Add the following code block to the same Terraform script:

resource "azurerm_logz_tag_rule" "logzio_tags" {
  logz_monitor_id =
  tag_filter {
    name   = "<<TAG-FILTER-NAME>>"
    action = "<<TAG-FILTER-ACTION>>"
    value  = "<<TAG-VALUE>>"

  send_aad_logs          = <<boolean>>
  send_activity_logs     = <<boolean>>
  send_subscription_logs = <<boolean>>

Define the parameters as per the table below:

Parameter Description
<<TAG-FILTER-NAME>> Name for the tag filter.
<<TAG-FILTER-ACTION>> The action for a filtering tag. Possible values are Include and Exclude. Exclude takes priority over the Include.
<<TAG-VALUE>> Optional. The value of the tag filter.
send_aad_logs (Optional) Whether AAD logs should be sent to the Monitor resource.
send_activity_logs (Optional) Whether activity logs from Azure resources should be sent to the Monitor resource.
send_subscription_logs (Optional) Whether subscription logs should be sent to the Monitor resource.
Initialize a working directory

Run the following command from the directory of your Terrafrom script:

terraform init
Create the Terraform execution plan
terraform plan -out terraform.plan
Execute the Terraform plan
terraform apply terraform.plan