Run Fluent Bit as a standalone app

Fluent Bit is an open source Log Processor and Forwarder which allows you to collect any data like metrics and logs from different sources. This integration allows you to send logs from Fluent Bit running as a standalone app and forward them to your account.

Install Fluent Bit

If you haven’t installed Fluent Bit yet, you can build it from source according to the instructions from Fluent Bit.

Install and configure the plugin

For Linux:

wget -o /fluent-bit/plugins/ \

For MacOS:

wget -o /fluent-bit/plugins/ \

For Windows:


In your Fluent Bit configuration file (fluent-bit.conf by default), add as an output. Plugin for Fluent Bit supports one output stream to We recommend running a new instance for each output stream you need.

For a list of options, see the configuration parameters below the code block. 👇

    Name  logzio
    Match *
    Workers 1
    logzio_token <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>
    logzio_url   https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071
Parameter Description Required/Default
logzio_token Your log shipping token directs the data securely to your Log Management account. The default token is auto-populated in the examples when you’re logged into the app as an Admin. Manage your tokens. Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to. Required
logzio_url Listener URL and port. Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. For example, if your account is hosted on AWS US East, or if hosted on Azure West Europe. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071.
logzio_type Declare your log type for parsing purposes. applies default parsing pipelines to the following list of built-in log types. If you declare another type, contact support for assistance with custom parsing. Can’t contain spaces. logzio-fluent-bit
logzio_debug Set to true to print debug messages to stdout. false
workers Enables dedicated thread(s) for this output. Default value is 1. To support more traffic, adjust this value accordingly.
Run Fluent Bit with the plugin

Linux and MacOS:

fluent-bit -e /fluent-bit/plugins/ \
-c /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf


C:\PROGRA~1\td-agent-bit\bin\fluent-bit.exe -c C:\PROGRA~1\td-agent-bit\conf\fluent-bit.conf -e <<PATH_TO_PLUGIN>>\
Check for your logs

Give your logs some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Open Search Dashboards.

If you still don’t see your logs, see log shipping troubleshooting.

Run Fluent Bit in a Docker container

Fluent Bit is an open source Log Processor and Forwarder which allows you to collect any data like metrics and logs from different sources. This integration allows you to send logs from Fluent Bit running in a Docker container and forward them to your account.

Make the configuration file

To run in a container, create a configuration file named fluent-bit.conf. Plugin for Fluent Bit supports one output stream to We recommend running a new instance for each output stream you need.

For a list of options, see the configuration parameters below the code block. 👇

    # Include your remaining SERVICE configuration here.
    Plugins_File plugins.conf

    Name  logzio
    Match *
    logzio_token <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>
    logzio_url   https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071
Parameter Description Required/Default
logzio_token Your log shipping token directs the data securely to your Log Management account. The default token is auto-populated in the examples when you’re logged into the app as an Admin. Manage your tokens. Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to. Required
logzio_url Listener URL and port. Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. For example, if your account is hosted on AWS US East, or if hosted on Azure West Europe. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071.
logzio_type Declare your log type for parsing purposes. applies default parsing pipelines to the following list of built-in log types. If you declare another type, contact support for assistance with custom parsing. Can’t contain spaces. logzio-fluent-bit
logzio_debug Set to true to print debug messages to stdout. false
Run the Docker image

Run the Docker image using the fluent-bit.conf file you made in step 1.

docker run -it --rm \
-v /path/to/fluent-bit.conf:/fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf \
Check for your logs

Give your logs some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Open Search Dashboards.

If you still don’t see your logs, see log shipping troubleshooting.