The Kubernetes deploy events logs Helm sends data about deployment events in the cluster, and how they affect the cluster’s resources. Currently supported resource kinds are Deployment, Daemonset, Statefulset, ConfigMap, Secret, Service Account, Cluster Role and Cluster Role Binding.

Helm is a tool for managing packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources using Charts. You can use this Helm chart to ship kubernetes deploy events logs with Helm.

Sending logs from nodes with taints

If you want to ship logs from any of the nodes that have a taint, make sure that the taint key values are listed in your in your daemonset/deployment configuration as follows:

- key: 

To determine if a node uses taints as well as to display the taint keys, run:

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq ".items[]|{, taints:.spec.taints}"

You need to use Helm client with version v3.9.0 or above.

Standard configuration

Add logzio-helm repo
helm repo add logzio-helm
helm repo update
Run the Helm deployment code
helm install --namespace=monitoring \
--set secrets.logzioShippingToken='<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>' \
--set secrets.logzioListener='<<LISTENER-HOST>>' \
--set secrets.env_id='<<ENV-ID>>' \
logzio-k8s-events logzio-helm/logzio-k8s-events

Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. For example, if your account is hosted on AWS US East, or if hosted on Azure West Europe. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071. Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to.

Replace <<ENV-ID>> with your Kubernetes cluster name.

Check for your logs

Give your logs some time to get from your system to ours, then open

Customizing Helm chart parameters

Optional Custom Listener

If you have a custom listener, you can use the parameter customListener and override the listener parameter and route the data to the custom listener.

Replace <<CUSTOM-HOST>> with your custom endpoint URL.

helm install --namespace=monitoring \
--set secrets.logzioShippingToken='<<SHIPPING-TOKEN>>' \
--set secrets.customListener='<<CUSTOM-HOST>>' \
--set secrets.env_id='<<ENV-ID>>' \
logzio-k8s-events logzio-helm/logzio-k8s-events

Deployment Events Versioning

In order to add an indication for the versioning in our K8S 360 and Service Overview UI, the following annotation should be added to the metadata of each resource you’d like to track its versioning. Commit URL structure:<account>/<repository>/commit/<commit-hash>


    logzio/commit_url: ""  

Uninstalling the Chart

The command removes all the k8s components associated with the chart and deletes the release. To uninstall the logzio-k8s-events deployment:

helm uninstall --namespace=monitoring logzio-k8s-events