
logzio-k8s-telemetry allows you to ship metrics from your Kubernetes cluster to Logz.io with the OpenTelemetry collector.

This chart is a fork of the opentelemetry-collector Helm chart. The main repository for Logz.io helm charts are logzio-helm.

It is also dependent on the kube-state-metrics, prometheus-node-exporter and prometheus-pushgateway charts, which are installed by default.

To disable the dependency during installation, set kubeStateMetrics.enabled, nodeExporter.enabled or pushGateway.enabled to false.

For applications that run on Kubernetes, enable the Prometheus scrape feature:

prometheus.io/scrape: true
Sending logs from nodes with taints

If you want to ship logs from any of the nodes that have a taint, make sure that the taint key values are listed in your in your daemonset/deployment configuration as follows:

- key: 

To determine if a node uses taints as well as to display the taint keys, run:

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq ".items[]|{name:.metadata.name, taints:.spec.taints}"

You need to use Helm client with version v3.9.0 or above.

If you are using Fargate, you need to disable the node exporter deployment. To do this, add the following settings to the values.yaml, under the prometheus-node-exporter field:

          - matchExpressions:
              - key: eks.amazonaws.com/compute-type
                operator: DoesNotExist

Log in to your Logz.io account and navigate to the current instructions page inside the Logz.io app. Install the pre-built dashboard to enhance the observability of your metrics.

To view the metrics on the main dashboard, log in to your Logz.io Metrics account, and open the Logz.io Metrics tab.

Standard configuration for Linux nodes

Add logzio-helm repo to your helm repo list
  helm repo add logzio-helm https://logzio.github.io/logzio-helm
  helm repo update
Deploy the Helm chart
  1. Configure the relevant parameters in the following code:

    helm install --namespace <<YOUR-NAMESPACE>>  \
    --set metrics.enabled=true \
    --set secrets.MetricsToken=<<METRICS-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> \
    --set secrets.ListenerHost="https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8053" \
    --set secrets.p8s_logzio_name=<<ENV-TAG>> \
    logzio-k8s-telemetry logzio-helm/logzio-k8s-telemetry
    • Replace <<YOUR_NAMESPACE>> with the required namespace.

    • Replace <<METRICS-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with a token for the Metrics account you want to ship to.
      Look up your Metrics token.

    • Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with the host for your region. For example, listener.logz.io if your account is hosted on AWS US East, or listener-nl.logz.io if hosted on Azure West Europe. The required port depends whether HTTP or HTTPS is used: HTTP = 8070, HTTPS = 8071.

    • Replace <<ENV-TAG>> with the name for the environment’s metrics, to easily identify the metrics for each environment.

  2. Run the code.

Check Logz.io for your metrics

Give your metrics some time to get from your system to ours.

Log in to your Logz.io account and navigate to the current instructions page inside the Logz.io app. Install the pre-built dashboard to enhance the observability of your metrics.

To view the metrics on the main dashboard, log in to your Logz.io Metrics account, and open the Logz.io Metrics tab.

For troubleshooting this solution, see our EKS troubleshooting guide.

Customizing Helm chart parameters

Configure customization options

You can use the following options to update the Helm chart parameters:

  • Specify parameters using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install

  • Edit the values.yaml

  • Overide default values with your own my_values.yaml and apply it in the helm install command.

helm install logzio-k8s-telemetry logzio-helm/logzio-k8s-telemetry -f my_values.yaml 
Customize the metrics collected by the Helm chart

The default configuration uses the Prometheus receiver with the following scrape jobs:

  • Cadvisor: Scrapes container metrics
  • Kubernetes service endpoints: These jobs scrape metrics from the node exporters, from Kube state metrics, from any other service for which the prometheus.io/scrape: true annotaion is set, and from services that expose Prometheus metrics at the /metrics endpoint.

To customize your configuration, edit the config section in the values.yaml file.

For troubleshooting this solution, see our EKS troubleshooting guide.

Uninstalling the Chart

The uninstall command is used to remove all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and to delete the release.

To uninstall the logzio-k8s-telemetry deployment, use the following command:

helm uninstall logzio-k8s-telemetry